NUJ Students: Lighting fires at ADM 2006

20 March 2006

Our formal press release, FYI!

>>> The formal bit

A crack team of student journalists will be covering the 2006 National Union of Journalists conference live from Liverpool, showcasing the work of student members on a dedicated new website.

The union's new media council and the professional training committee have teamed up for the project, helping local students cover the event with text, video and photos.

Members are encouraged to join in and support the project by visiting the site, reading and commenting on stories and spreading news about the site. The organisers hope that the project will help promote the union of students and new media journalists.

"We have a huge challenge in recruiting the thousands of writers, designers and content producers that work in the digital media industry without the support of a union," said Jemima Kiss, new media council chair.

"We have a responsibility to promote what we do and show that we are engaging with this new audience, many of whom work and read news entirely on the internet. Working with our enthusiastic and blog-savvy student team to cover our main annual event live and online is the least we can do to publicise our work to the online community."

Check out the ADM 2006 student blog at

>>> The informal bit

Please support the project and encourage out students by reading the site and commenting on their coverage. We can't do it alone! Thanks!