NUJ Students: Lighting fires at ADM 2006

24 March 2006

We have, like, totally arrived

"Alright our lot!"

I haven't worked out how to write with a Scouse accent yet, but I have seen the Liver Building. I've also checked in (The Shining, anyone?!), but was rather jealous to discover that one comrade had 'rescued' a three-quarters full bottle of Moet from the housekeeping trolley. He told me it looked like a relic from a failed (or should that be successful?) romantic endeavour of the previous evening - not, I should add, anything to do with the union!

He assures me his primary concern was to ensure that the bottle was recycled, although no doubt the contents won't be wasted either...

Anyway, encouraging comments about the blog already and interviews underway. Plus I just learnt that the fledgling new media council has exceeded its first-year membership target and now has more than 270 members. Many, many more to recruit though.

And there's a new NUJ website in the offing. According to someone that knows about these things, it'll be live: "As soon as we get our act together".

Anyone seen any tri-cycling children?


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